180 research outputs found

    Christoffel transformation for a matrix of Bi-variate measures.

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    We consider the sequences of matrix bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to the bilinear forms ((R) over cap) and ((L) over cap) (L) over cap = (TxT)integral P(z(1))L(z(1))d mu(z(1), z(2))Q(z(2)), where mu(z1, z2) is a matrix of bi-variate measures supported on T x T, with T the unit circle, L pxp[ z] is the set of matrix Laurent polynomials of size p x p and L(z) is a special polynomial in L pxp[ z]. A connection formula between the sequences of matrix Laurent bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to ((R) over cap) and resp ((L) over cap) and the sequence of matrix Laurent bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to d mu(z(1), z(2)) is given

    GNUsmail: Open framework for on-line email classification

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    Real-time classification of massive email data is a challenging task that presents its own particular difficulties. Since email data presents an important temporal component, several problems arise: emails arrive continuously, and the criteria used to classify those emails can change, so the learning algorithms have to be able to deal with concept drift. Our problem is more general than spam detection, which has received much more attention in the literature. In this paper we present GNUsmail, an open-source extensible framework for email classification, which structure supports incremental and on-line learning. This framework enables the incorporation of algorithms developed by other researchers, such as those included in WEKA and MOA. We evaluate this framework, characterized by two overlapping phases (pre-processing and learning), using the ENRON dataset, and we compare the results achieved by WEKA and MOA algorithms

    Ronald K. Hambleton: A Legacy Beyond Quantitative Scientific Indicators

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    Professor Ronald K. Hambleton (1943-2022) shaped the development of psychometrics in the United States and had a far-reaching impact on professionals interested in psychological and educational measurement worldwide. All three authors were at different times visiting researchers in the Research, Educational Measurement & Psychometrics (REMP) Program at the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA). We would like to develop these brief notes according to three main arguments of how Ron impacted our lives: Hambleton as a "professional model," Hambleton as an "educator," and the indelible imprint that Ron has left on our professional practice

    El valor percibido y la satisfacción del cliente en actividades dirigidas virtuales y con técnico en centros de fitness

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    En la actualidad la industria del fitness se encuentra en la senda del crecimiento. Uno de los servicios que mayor presencia está teniendo en los centros de fitness son las actividades dirigidas con técnico, las cuales han evolucionado hacia actividades dirigidas virtuales debido a la inclusión de la tecnología. Esta investigación analiza el valor percibido y la satisfacción de los clientes en ambas actividades, explorando las diferencias existentes entre dichos servicios y la relación entre ambas variables. La muestra se compuso de 572 usuarios de un centro de fitness (319 mujeres y 253 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 63 años. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre el valor percibido y la satisfacción entre los dos servicios deportivos, obteniendo valores más positivos en las que requieren un técnico deportivo. Asimismo, la satisfacción del cliente mostró ser dependiente del valor percibido, obteniendo un mayor vínculo en el caso de las actividades dirigidas virtuales. Estos resultados suscitan a la reflexión por parte de los gestores de las instalaciones deportivas sobre la incorporación o no de este tipo de servicios deportivos.At present, the fitness industry is on a growth path. One of the most prominent services in fitness centres is trainer-guided group fitness activities, which have evolved into virtual fitness activities with the inclusion of technology. This research analyses perceived value and customer satisfaction in both activities, exploring the differences between them and the relationship between the two variables. The sample consisted of 572 subjects belonging to a private fitness centre (319 women and 253 men), between 15 and 63 years old. The results show significant differences between perceived value and satisfaction in the two sports services, with sports requiring a trainer getting more positive values. Furthermore, customer satisfaction shows a dependence on perceived value, with a stronger link being obtained in the case of virtual fitness activities. These results and an in-depth analysis on the inclusion, or not, of these sport services are thought-provoking for managers of these facilities.Na actualidade a indústria do fitness encontra-se na senda do crescimento. Um dos serviços que maior presença está a ter nos centros de fitness são as actividades dirigidas com um técnico, as quais têm evoluído para actividades virtuais dirigidas devido à inclusão da tecnologia. Esta investigação analisa o valor percebido e a satisfação dos clientes em ambas as actividades, explorando as diferenças existentes entre estes serviços e a relação entre ambas as variáveis. A amostra foi composta por 572 utentes de um centro de fitness (319 mulheres e 253 homens) com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 63 anos. Os resultados revelam diferenças significativas entre o valor percebido e a satisfação entre os dois serviços desportivos, obtendo valores mais positivos as que requerem um técnico desportivo. Assim mesmo, a satisfação do cliente mostrou ser dependente do valor percebido, obtendo um maior vínculo no caso das actividades virtuais dirigidas. Estes resultados suscitam a reflexão por parte dos gestores das instalações desportivas sobre a incorporação ou não deste tipo de serviços desportivos

    Comparing risk-weighted assets: the importance of supervisory validation processes

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    Artículo de revistaThis article analyses the problems of using the risk-weighted assets (RWA) density ratio – defined as the ratio of RWA to total assets – to make comparisons across banks, as is frequently done by banks themselves and analysts. An international comparison is made of 16 European banks, based on public information, from which it is concluded that a significant part of the differences in RWA density are a consequence of differences in the type of business involved. In particular, the greater the weight of credit risk in a bank’s balance sheet the higher will be its RWA density. We propose alternative RWA density ratios and illustrate them with the results for Spanish banks using confidential data. We show that public information cannot be sufficiently detailed to enable differences across banks arising from their risk profiles to be distinguished from others attributable, for example, to different interpretations of solvency rules by banks or supervisors. Therefore, the supervisory review process and the progress in its inter-jurisdictional harmonisation are especially important. The paper concludes with a review of the process used by the Banco de España for the supervisory validation of Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approaches for credit risk

    Adaptación de nuevos deportes de aventura a la educación física escolar: las vías ferratas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta didáctica utilizando un contenido poco común en educación física como es la vía ferrata. La inclusión de un deporte de aventura en un programa de esta asignatura viene justificada, entre otros motivos, por el interés del alumnado para aprender nuevas actividades distintas a las tradicionales (fútbol, baloncesto, atletismo, etc.). Este deporte de aventura se caracteriza por seguir un itinerario tanto vertical como horizontal por una pared de roca utilizando equipamiento especial para ello. En este artículo se proponen ideas de cómo adaptar este deporte y sus elementos técnicos a la clase de educación física

    Adaptació de nous esports d’aventura a l’educació física escolar: les vies ferrades

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    L’objectiu d’aquest treball és presentar una proposta didàctica utilitzant un contingut poc comú en educació física com és la via ferrada. La inclusió d’un esport d’aventura en un programa d’aquesta assignatura ve justificada, entre altres motius, per l’interès de l’alumnat per aprendre noves activitats diferents de les tradicionals (futbol, basquetbol, atletisme, etc.). Aquest esport d’aventura es caracteritza per seguir un itinerari tan vertical com horitzontal per una paret de roca utilitzant equipament especial. En aquest article es proposen idees sobre com adaptar aquest esport i els seus elements tècnics a la classe d’educació física

    Analyzing Consumer Loyalty through Service Experience and Service Convenience: Differences between Instructor Fitness Classes and Virtual Fitness Classes

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    Theeruptionoftechnologyhasrevolutionizedthesportssector,incorporatingnewelements and new forms, and has therefore targeted sports activities. The inclusion of virtual fitness classes is leading to an increase in the offers available to consumers, expanding the hours that consumers can exercise and leading to a greater variability of customer services. The present study intends to go deeper into the knowledge of the fitness center sector in the Spanish context by evaluating the poorly analyzed area of directed activities, either with a teacher or in a virtual mode, and how these are perceived by the users of the centers. The sample consisted of a total of 1943 users, 1143 of whom were customers who conducted fitness activities directed by instructors, and 800 questionnaires were completed by customers who conducted virtual fitness activities in fitness centers classified as low-cost, medium, and boutique business models. The relationships between service experience, service convenience, satisfaction, and future intentions were analyzed. The results show positive relationships in all the variables studied in the instructor fitness classes. However, they are not significant in some variables studied involving virtual fitness classes

    The relationship among service experience, perceived value and behavioural intentions of customers in a group fitness class

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    Comprender la percepción del consumidor durante su experiencia dentro de un centro de fitness resulta fundamental para que los gerentes puedan entender las intenciones de comportamiento futuras de sus abonados. Este estudio pretende esclarecer la importancia y la necesaria evaluación de la experiencia de servicio, el valor percibido y la intenciones de comportamiento, así como la relación entre dichas variables dentro de las actividades dirigidas con técnico y las actividades dirigidas virtuales, utilizando para ello una muestra de 1.943 usuarios. El análisis factorial confirmatorio indica un adecuado ajuste para el modelo de medida propuesto. Por otro lado, el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales utilizado revela una relación positiva y significativa de las experiencias de servicio hacia el valor percibido y las intenciones de comportamiento respectivamente. Sin embargo, el modelo muestra un pobre ajuste entre el valor percibido y las intenciones de comportamiento. La percepción global del consumidor en ambas actividades puede resultar un elemento de estudio para los gerentes con el objetivo de mejorar la oferta de servicios de fitness utilizando las nuevas tecnologías para así incrementar las intenciones de compra.Understanding the importance of the customer perception during the experience in the fitness centre is fundamental to comprehend behavioural intentions for fitness centre managers. This study attempts to understand how important and necessary is consumer's assessment of service experience, perceived value, and behavioural intention, and the relationships among theses variables into group fitness class (GFC), and Virtual fitness class (VFC). Data was collected from 1.943 customers. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated an adequate goodness-of-fit-indexes for the model obtained. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed the positive and significant effect of service experience on customers' perceived value and behavioural intention, but results show that perceived value has poor fit on behavioural intentions. The overall customer's perception of GFC and VFC can be a focus for fitness centre's managers aiming to improve fitness service supply related to new technologies in the fitness industry to increase intentions to repurchase

    Educational Data Mining for Personalized Prediction of Academic Performance

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    La Minería de Datos Educativos (Educational Data Mining - EDM) está adquiriendo gran importancia como un nuevo campo de investigación interdisciplinario relacionado con algunas otras áreas. Está directamente relacionado con los Sistemas Educativos basados en la Web (Web-based Educational Systems - WBES) y la Minería de Datos (Data Mining - DM), siendo esta última una parte fundamental del Descubrimiento de Conocimiento en Bases de Datos (Knowledge Discovery in Databases - KDD). Los WBES almacenan y administran grandes cantidades de datos. Estos datos están creciendo cada vez más y contienen conocimientos ocultos que podrían ser muy útiles para los usuarios (tanto profesores como estudiantes). Es conveniente identificar tales conocimientos en forma de modelos, patrones o cualquier otro esquema de repre- sentación que permita una mejor explotación del sistema. La minería de datos se revela como la herramienta para lograr tal descubrimiento, dando lugar a la EDM. En este contexto complejo se suelen utilizar distintas técnicas y algoritmos de aprendizaje para obtener los mejores resultados. En este trabajo se estudia, para una asignatura de Informática Teórica, concretamente la asignatura “Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales”, cómo predecir el rendimiento académico alcanzado por los estudiantes, a partir de la realización de controles intermedios. Para ello se han aplicado y comparado distintos tipos de algoritmos de aprendizaje (vecinos más cercanos, árboles de decisión, multiclasificadores). Todo el proceso de control y evaluación de los estudiantes durante el curso se ha llevado a cabo a través de la herramienta web denominada SIETTE, desarrollada en nuestro departamento, y que además se utiliza en ámbitos fuera de nuestra propia universidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el I Plan Propio de Investigacion y Transferencia de la Universidad de Malaga